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Kypeco MES | Create a Role on Kypeco

Written by Team@IfElseCloud | May 9, 2023 1:58:45 AM

Roles are a group of pre-defined permissions that you can create for users on Kypeco. A System Administrator can create single or multiple roles from the Admin Control Panel using these simple steps explained below.


  1. Click the Menu icon and go to Application Configuration for Admins.

  2. Click User and Role Management.

  3. Click on Add Role.

  4. Enter the Role name.

  5. Add a description to the role.

  6. Select the pre-defined permissions you want to assign to this role.

  7. Click Save! All done!

Repeat these steps to create more roles by grouping permissions to be assigned to users. Once the roles have been established and assigned, users will only be able to access what their roles allow.