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Kypeco MES | Set Up and Configure a User on Kypeco

Written by Team@IfElseCloud | May 9, 2023 1:57:41 AM

Adding a user on Kypeco takes just a few clicks. With its help a system admin will be able to control and restrict what each user can view or access on the application. This helps establish multiple levels of hierarchy for role-based access and permissions. Follow the instructions below to know how a System Admin can either create a user invitation or approve single sign-on requests from the organization's Active Directory,


  1. Click the Menu icon and go to Platform Configuration for Admins.

  2. Click on User Role and Management.

  3. Click on Manage Users. Next, use either of the approaches to give access to a user.

Creating New User Invitations:

  1. Click on Add User.

  2. Add the details asked in the fields like name and email id.

  3. By default, a User request is automatically approved once they accept the invitation. To approve a User request manually, uncheck the Auto Approve User circle.

  4. Add roles and permissions for the said user by clicking on the respective tags on the right-side panels.

  5. Click on Add. A user invite link will be generated and sent to the designated email id.

Accepting User Requests from SSO:

  1. Click on a Pending Request.

  2. (Optional) Modify pre-defined permissions as per their designation.

  3. Click on Grant Access and the user credentials will be approved to use Kypeco.

Done and dusted!

Now that a user has been established, they will be able to log in and use Kypeco for your organization's production ecosystem.