How to Use Kypeco as a Shift Manager?

Reading time: 10 minutes with Hands-on Practice
Here for the first time? Welcome aboard, we're thrilled to partner up! An introduction to our new system will help you digitize manufacturing activities with Kypeco's streamlined application.
If you're wondering what Kypeco can do for a Shift Manager, you're at the right place. Let's get you comfortable with the most important functions you'll be performing.
The Shift Pacing Board: Where all the action takes place.
This is where a Shift Manager can find all the relevant data related to a shift. From here, you can add manufacturing data such as actual (good) production, reject (waste) and planned or unplanned downtime details.
How to reach the Shift Pacing Board in one click:
Select the Pacing Board tab on the page top left of the Line Dashboard. Easy as!
What's Next?
Let's learn how to add manufacturing data. We will walk you through the three functions in this onboarding guide- they're simple to carry out and you'll get the hang of them quickly!
Function 1: Learning to Add Production Data
Adding production data is as easy as three short steps.
Click on the link How to Add Production Data to go to the instructions page and demo video.
Try it out alongside another tab; come back to this page once done.
Done with Step 1? Awesome, on to the next!
Function 2: Learning to Add Reject (Waste) Data
Once you've learned how to add a production count, it's time to add Reject Data. Here, you can also assign Reason Codes and add comments related to the Reject (Waste). Click on the link How to Add Reject (Waste) Data.
Practice the steps and come back to this page.
You're almost done!
Function 3: Learning to Add Downtime Data
Finally, let's see how to start/stop planned and unplanned downtime from the Shift Pacing Board. There are four stages that are very simple to execute. Similar to Reject Data, it is also essential to assign a Reason Code for Downtime.
You can learn how by clicking the link: How to Add Downtime Data?
Return to this page once you learn them all; we're waiting!
All done? Great!
Hold on! Here's a Bonus Tip that will make your job even simpler:
Now that you've learned to use the Pacing Board efficiently, you can also add manufacturing data from anywhere in the application. Click the Add Data icon (top-right corner). Click add Production/Reject/Downtime option to proceed with the same steps.
It's the same process, just a tad handier when you aren't on the Pacing Board.
Done and dusted; Hooray, you're all set!
Getting used to Kypeco is simple because it aligns with how you work in manufacturing. We aspire to help you work smarter and improve productivity effortlessly.
To get a firm grasp on the Pacing Board and its functions, read our resources and revisit them as often as you need to. You can find this document or the other help again at any time by clicking on the help button at the bottom right of the Kypeco application and type an article search, for example, " Create a Planned Downtime". It will lead you to the link of the documents.
A Parting Piece of Advice:
If you are wondering how to modify the manufacturing data (in case, you made a mistake!), you can click on How to Modify or Remove Manufacturing Data. The steps are just as easy, and we're sure you're a quick study! Good luck, you've got this!
Got any questions or queries regarding this document? Feel free to reach out to us!