What is Branding and Personalization?

Branding on Kypeco simply means personalizing the site aesthetic for better management. This feature of the Application Configuration for Admins helps you to identify your sites easily by adding unique characteristics and details, making this platform your own. Branding and Personalization is one of the steps in setting up and configuring your Kypeco account, but you can choose to revisit and revise it whenever you wish.

Branding is a critical aspect of any business or organization as it helps to create a unique identity that distinguishes it from competitors. It involves creating a name, symbol, or design that represents the company and its products or services. With the right branding, businesses can establish a positive reputation, increase customer loyalty, and create a strong emotional connection with their target audience. In addition to traditional branding methods, online platforms like Kypeco provide businesses with the ability to customize the look and feel of their site, adding a personal touch that can help to reinforce their brand identity.

What's in store with Branding?

Primary Color

Select a primary color to represent your site by clicking on the color icon.

Support E-mail ID

Add a support email address for users to reach out to in case of queries, consultation, or troubleshooting.

Default Footer Text

Add a footer text representing your organization and site.

Upload Icon

Upload your brand's icon or a site icon to make the application uniquely identifiable.


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