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Kypeco MES | Add a Performance Issue Reason Code

Written by Team@IfElseCloud | May 8, 2023 6:30:12 AM

Report poor operations or failures in performance by assigning a reason code from the steps explained below.


  1. Go to the Line Pacing Board.

  2. On the top-right, click Performance Issues.

  3. Click on an hour from a shift.

  4. If the reason is unspecified, click “Reason code is not known yet”.

  5. To add a known reason, click “select”. Reason Code panel will open on the right.

  6. Add a reason code by choosing from the list provided in Top Level, Level 2, and Level 3. Click “Select Reason Code” to save.

  7. Optional: Tag an equipment if necessary.

  8. Click Save. Easy As!