How to Print a Report?

Generating reports from manufacturing data can be tedious. However, things just got a lot easier for you! Here's how you can print one in a few clicks!
Click on Menu and go to Export or Print Reports.
Select the type of report you wish to print. The print dashboard for the specific report will
open. -
Choose the report elements you want to add from the checklist on the left.
On the right side, you can choose between a portrait or landscape mode for the report by clicking on the respective icons.
Scroll through all the pages of the reports, and when you're ready to print, click
Print on the bottom-left of the page. -
In the Print Preview pop up, you can choose the printing device (destination), color scheme, and the pages to be printed on the right. There are advanced settings you can explore by clicking More Settings.
Once done, all you have to do is click Print. Your report will be generated in a jiff! Well done!
Optional Settings for Reports:
At the top of the page, you can check or uncheck: Add or remove the cover page, switch between a light or dark theme, add or remove logo, and add or remove the author's name.
To add your notes in the report, click on the notes icon on the right side of the page and a space for Notes will be added to the report page footer.
You can add additional pages to your report by clicking the icon on the right side between two pages.