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Kypeco MES | Update an Issue on Smart Devices

Written by Team@IfElseCloud | May 8, 2023 5:08:20 AM

Explained below are the steps to modify an Issue.


  1. Tap on Issues.

  2. Tap on an Issue card that you want to modify and then tap Edit Issue.

  3. On the Issue Panel that opens, modify details like the issue title, description, type, priority, jobs, and reason code.

  4. You can also assign this issue to more people by tapping Change. Search for a person on the list and tap on the name, then click Done.

  5. Change the occurrence date by using the calendar.

  6. Change the Line by tapping Change.

  7. Once the data you want to modify is edited, tap Save.

    Your changes to the issue will be saved.