What is Performance Loss?

Performance Loss is a metric used to measure the efficiency of a manufacturing process. It refers to the amount of time that a machine or production line operates at less than its maximum speed or output capacity. This can be caused by a range of factors such as operator error, equipment malfunction, or maintenance issues. Performance Loss can have a significant impact on overall productivity and profitability, making it an important factor to monitor and manage.
Reducing Performance Loss requires a thorough understanding of the root causes of the problem. This can involve analyzing data on machine downtime, conducting equipment maintenance and upgrades, and implementing process improvements. By addressing the underlying issues that lead to Performance Loss, manufacturers can increase throughput, improve product quality, and reduce waste. This can ultimately lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and increased profitability.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a widely used metric for measuring manufacturing productivity, and Performance Loss is one of the three key factors that contribute to OEE. By monitoring and managing Performance Loss, manufacturers can improve their OEE score, which in turn can lead to better business outcomes. By using data-driven approaches to identify and address the causes of Performance Loss, manufacturers can optimize their operations and achieve sustainable long-term success.
Performance Loss is one of the three OEE Losses that takes into account idling, minor stops, and reduced speed. Subtracting Performance Loss from the Run Time gives you Net Run Time.